Adobe Gamma Loader: How do I Disable this Program Adobe Gamma is a free, visually-based monitor calibration program that is installed automatically when Photoshop is installed on Windows computers. Adobe Gamma can interfere with monitor calibration software.
From adobe: “The Adobe Gamma Control Panel is used to eliminate color casts in a monitor’s display. This allows for accurate on-screen previews of an imageas it will appear on a variety of other devices. When you install Photoshop5.0, 6.0 and 7.0, the installer places a shortcut to Adobe Gamma Loader.exe in the StartMenu Programs StartUp folder. This causes Adobe Gamma Loader.exe to load thesettings in the Adobe Gamma Control Panel when Windows starts.
Thosesettings are then applied system-wide.”.
I have Adobe Gamma Loader installed on my machine (thru Photoshop). Anyway, the shortcut is in my startup folder and points to 'Adobe Gamma Loader.exe'.
I noticed that when my computer boots up, or if i try to run the exe itself, the monitor display is not changed. However, if I run the control panel utility, the display will change. Anyone know how I can fix this?
Also, if I provide XP with a 'default profile', shouldn't it handle this for me? I've set that up under my display preferences but can't get it to adjust my monitor automatically. Hi mmorasch, Not too clear on this.
Are you saying that XP is not using the monitor profile that you built up using Adobe Gamma? Adobe Gamma Loader.exe will run at every start-up, load the LUT for your video card to use, and then exit. Adobe Gamma.cpl only loads when you select the AG tool from the control panel.
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If you have set up an AG monitor profile and saved it, it will be found in System32/spool/drivers/color, and should be used by XP. If XP is not using it there is probably a problem with your video card.