Similar words: (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) (0.67) (0.67) class 1> (obshestvennyi) klass _Ex: the working class rabochii klass _Ex: the middle class _polit-ek. Burzhuaziya; srednee soslovie; srednii sloi obshestva _Ex: the upper class aristokratiya, dvoryanstvo; vysshee soslovie, vysshie sloi obshestva; krupnaya burzhuaziya _Ex: lower middle class melkaya burzhuaziya; nizy srednego klassa; meshanstvo, meshane _Ex: landed classes pomeshiki, zemlevladel'cy 2> _redk. Imushie klassy _Ex: the classes and masses vse sloi obshestva _Ex: to back the masses against the classes podderzhivat' trudyashihsya v bor'be protiv imushih 3> klassovyi _Ex: class society klassovoe obshestvo _Ex: class struggle klassovaya bor'ba _Ex: class differences klassovye razlichiya _Ex: class alien klassovo chuzhdyi element 4> klass; razryad; gruppa; kategoriya; vid, rod _Ex: ship's class klass sudna _Ex: classes of weight _sport. Vesovye kategorii _Ex: open class _sport. Svobodnyi klass _Ex: class of fit _teh. Tip posadki _Ex: two classes of poets poety dvuh rodov _Ex: different classes of intellect raznyi sklad uma _Ex: a good class of man poryadochnyi chelovek _Ex: a poor class of house plohoi doi _Ex: the best class of hotel pervoklassnaya gostinica, gostinica vysshego razryada _Ex: in a class by itself edinstvennyi v svoem rode; nepodrazhaemyi, nepovtorimyi, nezamenimyi 5> klass (poezda, parohoda) _Ex: to travel first class ezdit' pervym klassom 6> _mor. Tip (korablya) 7> sort, kachestvo _Ex: first class pervoklassnyi, vysshego sorta 8> klass (v shkole); gruppa (v kolledzhe) _Ex: the top of the class pervyi uchenik (v klasse) _Ex: to take a class of beginners vzyat' gruppu nachinayushih _Ex: listen, class!
Poslushaite, deti! (obrashenie uchitelya) _Ex: class dismissed! Urok okonchen!, zanyatie okoncheno!; mozhete idti! 9> kruzhok (po izucheniyu chego-l) 10> zanyatie; zanyatiya; kurs obucheniya _Ex: to take classes uchit'sya (chemu-l); prohodit' kurs obucheniya (kakomu-l. Predmetu) _Ex: to take classes in cookery uchit'sya na kursah kulinarii _Ex: what time does the class begin? Kogda nachinayutsya zanyatiya?
Proekt odezhda po okruzhayuschemu miru 1 klass 5. RogerBon 25.09.17 14:37 phones like Micromax.
_Ex: when is class? Kogda nachalo zanyatii?, kogda prihodit' v shkolu? 11> vypusk studentov ili uchashihsya (odnogo goda); _Ex: class of 1980 vypusk 1980 goda 12> _biol. Klass 13> otlichie _Ex: to get class okonchit' (kurs) s otlichiem 14> _razg. Dostoinstvo (povedeniya); vysokie kachestva (haraktera) _Ex: the new teacher's got real class novaya uchitel'nica derzhitsya s bol'shim dostoinstvom _Ex: to be no class _razg. Nichego ne stoit', nikuda ne godit'sya _Ex: he is no class eto chelovek nizkogo poshiba 15> _sl.
'klass', shik; privlekatel'nost' _Ex: that girl's got class! Klassnaya devchonka! Rang 17> _am.
Stat'ya; _Ex: seaman 1st class matros 1-i stat'i 18> _voen. Prizyvniki odnogo goda rozhdeniya _Ex: the class of 1937 prizyvniki 1937 goda rozhdeniya 19> klassifikacionnyi _Ex: class heading shirokaya rubrika (sistematicheskoi klassifikacii) _Ex: class letter _mor. Bukva, oznachayushaya tip korablya; _spec. Bukva klassifikacionnogo znaka, bukva indeksa _Ex: class mark klassifikacionnyi znak 20> uchebnyi; otnosyashiisya k klassu, k zanyatiyam _Ex: class hours uchebnye chasy _Ex: class day _am.