Blank Uborki Pomescheniya

Blank Uborki Pomescheniya

Uzori-iz-kamnej-svoimi-rukami-dlya-detej govoryaschij-kot-na-telefon-samsung-wave-m skachat-blank-uborki-pomescheniya kupit-s-pomoschyu-telefona. Here you will find many interesting, delicious Indian breakfast and snacks recipes. These dishes will give you a wide variety of snacks for daily food or when you want to.


Bosnian rolled burek In the, burek, also known as pita in Bosnia and Herzegovina exclusively, is an extremely common dish, made with yufka and the Bosnian variant is arguably the most regionally prominent. It may be eaten for any meal of the day. In, the burek is a meat-filled pastry, traditionally rolled in a spiral and cut into sections for serving. The same spiral filled with cottage cheese is called sirnica, with spinach and cheese zeljanica, with potatoes krompiruša, and all of them are generically referred to as pita. Are used as a binding agent when making sirnica and zeljanica. This kind of pastry is also popular in, where it was imported by Bosnian Croats, and is usually called rolani burek (rolled burek). Tiljda zimnij angel vikrojku. In Serbian towns, Bosnian pastry dishes were imported by war refugees in the 1990s, and are usually called sarajevske pite or bosanske pite (Sarayevan pies or Bosnian pies).

Blank Uborki Pomescheniya

Similar dishes, although somewhat wider and with thinner dough layers, are called savijača or just 'pita' in Serbia. These are usually homemade and not traditionally offered in bakeries. In 2012, included the Bosnian burek in their 'The World's Best ' book.

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Round burek in Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia [ ].

Blank Uborki Pomescheniya
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