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A Reading List in Vedic Astrology A Reading List in Vedic Astrology by Hank Friedman Please note: I have written over 100 free tutorials in both Western and Vedic astrology to help you learn astrology. I spent several hours going through my entire Vedic library for the best books in my collection. Here they are.
I hope that my research serves you well. Important Update: I have just expanded this Vedic Astrology booklist and created a page on Amazon that both describes each book and allows you to easily order any of them. You can view this new listing by to see what books shaped my understanding of astrology, and even get copies for yourself. Important Note: How would you like to be able to download formatted copies of both modern and Classical Vedic texts for free? I just discovered a great website where you can search for Vedic astrology books, and download them to your computer and print them out, for free.
You can search, for example for terms like Nakshatra, Jyotish, Vedic Astrology, or the name of any Vedic Classical book. You do have to register (at no charge). After finding books, click on the Download tab and select the PDF format, so the texts will be properly formatted for reading easily. You can log on to this website. Modern Books Light on Life (Not only the best Vedic astrology book in English, but a huge number of insights and gems for Western astrologers too.) by Hart de Fouw and Robert Svoboda Path of Light vol.
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1 & 2 (Truly excellent new books by a brilliant and generous astrologer who shares his great depth of understanding of Jyotish. Highly Recommended!) by James Kelleher New Techniques of Prediction 1 & 2 (For advanced Vedic astrologers only, the brilliant predictive methods and understandings of a great Jyotish master) by H.R. Seshadri Iyer Learn Astrology The Easy Way (For beginning to intermediate students of Vedic astrology, this provides a very good education in Vedic astrology.) by Dr. Kapoor A Thousand Suns an excellent new Vedic book that covers a huge range of Vedic topics in a very accessible and easy-to-read conversational style.
Highly Recommended! By Linda Johnsen Astro Sutras Events and Nativities and Art of Predictions (excellent books by the late excellent astrologer Bhasin) by JN Bhasin How to Read a Bhava (a very small book that condenses divisional chart analysis quite well) by Dr. Vasan Varshphal or Annual Horoscope (an excellent book on Vedic Solar Returns) by Sumeet Chugh Predictive Astrology - An Insight (a comprehensive & excellent analysis of planets in houses) by Dinesh S. Mathur Practical Vedic Astrology (a fine compendium of 25 years of the authors notes, well organized) by G. Agarwal How to Read Your Horoscope (newly reprinted – excellent modern interpretations of lordships, planets in signs and houses, etc.) By James E.
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Lal Kitab (Teesra Hissa) 1941 is the third book of the five volumes written by Pt. Rup Chand Joshi ji of Village Pharwala of Distt Jalandhar of Punjab province.
All the five ditions of Lal Kitab were written in Urdu. First edition 'Lal Kitab ke Farmaan' was published in 1939, the second 'Lal Kitab ke Armaan' was published in the year1940. The third one known as Lal Kitab (Teesra Hissa) was published in 1941. Two other versions were published in the year 1942 and 1952. Favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite ( 22 reviews ) Topics: Lal Kitab, Astrology, Rup Chand, Joshi, Roop Chand, Yograj Prabhakar, Farwala. Astrology Books by B Suryanarayana Row. Titles in this collection are: Jataka Chandrika - B Suryanarayana Row 1900 Sarvartha Chintamani English Translation - B Suryanarayana Row 1899 Stri Jataka or Female Horoscopy - B Suryanarain Rao 1931 LR The Astrological Self Instructor - B Suryanarain Rao 1893 An Introduction to the Study of Astrology - B Suryanarayana Row 1900 Brihat Jataka English Translation- B Suryanarain Row 1919 LR Chappanna or Prasana Sastra - B Suryanarain Rao 1946 Jaimini Sutras.