Aug 8, 2010 - Info [10-08-09 08:24:45] Checking (234 / 543): OGMCalc. Info [10-08-09. Info [10-08-09 08:18:45] Checking (30 / 543): HexCmp. Info [10-08-17 11:15:37] Checking (168 / 717): Equinox Multiport Serial Coinstaller.
Fairdell Software is proud to present a new program HexCmp, which combines together the features of a binary file comparison application and a convenient hex editor. The program will help you to compare files in binary format, at the same time serving as a hex editor that will edit and modify your files.
Comparison is made on-the-fly, while scrolling down the files. Enhanced with features like color highlighting; synchronous scrolling; an Info panel, which shows the file information in different formats and more, this program will most definitely become an asset for both home users and companies. Instead of the full files comparison, upon loading you can compare just the current parts of the files, displayed on the screen, which saves you your working time.
HexCmp supports files up to 4 GB. You can navigate among different blocks or files, choose the required parts of files to compare (just scroll down the file), set your own color scheme, use the Undo, Redo and Search functions. Besides the hex format, the program can also compare files in text format.
String searching can be done in both formats as well. All commands are conveniently assigned to hotkeys. You can work with HexCmp, using your keyboard only.
I just purchased some HC-05 Bluetooth devices and I have followed the directions to put the devices in AT command mode by holding EN HIGH when the HC-05 powers up. When I do this the HC-05 goes into the 'slow blink' to indicate it is in command mode. However, when I send it 'AT' I get odd characters in the response. Note that when I type 'AT' I get exactly 4 characters back. They are just not the 'OK' characters I expect.
I also verified that the Arduino IDE serial console is sending both NL and CR characters. BTW, here is the Mel Patrick HC-05 authored setup program I am running: It has been suggested that the data from the HC-05 is only going up to 3.3v and that might be the cause of the problem, since the Arduino is looking for a 0-5 volt signal. I also note that when I remove the TDX line from the HC-05 that no responses come back.
So I suspect that it is getting the 'AT' fine through the RTX from the Arduino to the HC-05. It is just some problem in the return data format. Is there a simple transistor circuit I can hookup to shift the levels back to 0 to 5 volts from the 0 to 3.3 volts?
I am also using an Arduino Nano if that makes any difference. Thanks - Dan. Here is the current dialog: HC-05 BlueTooth Programmer 1.
Set Device Name (a,name) 2. Set Role (b,0) 3. Set Password (c,1234) 4. Set UART (d,Baud,Stop,Parity) 5. Display this menu 6. Device Reset Blue is what I typed: 1 OK 2 OK +VERSION:2.0-20100601 3 OK +ADDR:98d3:31:fb1d15 4 OK +NAME:t 5 OK +ROLE:0 6 OK +UART:38400,0,0 7 OK +STATE:INITIALIZED 8 OK +PSWD:1234 OK a,DAN_ROBOT_1 OK 4 +NAME:DAN_ROBOT_1 OK – Mar 20 '16 at 16:51 •.
Leavenworth Monthly Report. ANPR Animal Problem 1 ASDV Assault, Domestic Violence 4 ASNC Assault, Not Classified 3. 10.08.020 VIOL WINTER PARKING RES 4. Programmu izstrādes rīki paredzēti jaunu programmu izstrādāšanai. Jaunas programmatūras izstrāde, pārbaude un nodošana lietotājiem ir sistēmu izstrādne. Jaunu datorbāzētu sistēmu izstrāde parasti sastāv no vairākiem posmiem. Mouser Electronics uses cookies and similar technologies to help deliver the best experience on our site. Our cookies are necessary for the operation of the website, monitoring site performance and to deliver relevant content. Programmu asdv 020. Improving UI content. Improving Slovenia translation Correct Astra 19.2E satellite name on loading bar. Fix TURKSAT 42E channel not found, if it is not in the first position.
Crystal reports for net framework 20 x64 redistributable package 64 bit. SP21: SP22: --- Replacing/Uninstalling a Later Service Pack with an Older One: You can upgrade any service pack by installing a later one. This has not been an issue in the past, but for whatever reason, SP21 and later does not seem to install correctly with a previous version installed.