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Locator is a command that tells Selenium IDE which GUI elements ( say Text Box, Buttons, Check Boxes etc) its needs to operate on. Identification of correct GUI elements is a prerequisite to creating an automation script. But accurate identification of GUI elements is more difficult than it sounds. Sometimes, you end up working with incorrect GUI elements or no elements at all! Hence, Selenium provides a number of Locators to precisely locate a GUI element The different types of Locators in Selenium IDE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • There are commands that do not need a locator (such as the 'open' command).
However, most of them do need Locators. The choice of locator depends largely on your Application Under Test. In this tutorial, we will toggle between Facebook, new tours.demoaut on the basis of locators that these applications support.
Likewise in yourproject, you will select any of the above-listed locators based on your application support. Locating by ID This is the most common way of locating elements since ID's are supposed to be unique for each element. Target Format: id= id of the element For this example, we will use Facebook as our test app because Mercury Tours do not use ID attributes. Since this tutorial was created, Facebook has changed their Login Page Design. Use this demo page for testing.
Inspect the 'Email or Phone' text box using Firebug and take note of its ID. In this case, the ID is 'email.' Launch Selenium IDE and enter 'id=email' in the Target box. Click the Find button and notice that the 'Email or Phone' text box becomes highlighted with yellow and bordered with green, meaning, Selenium IDE was able to locate that element correctly.
Locating by Name Locating elements by name are very similar to locating by ID, except that we use the 'name=' prefix instead. Target Format: name= name of the element In the following demonstration, we will now use Mercury Tours because all significant elements have names.
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Navigate to and use Firebug to inspect the 'User Name' text box. Take note of its name attribute. Here, we see that the element's name is 'userName'. In Selenium IDE, enter 'name=userName' in the Target box and click the Find button. Selenium IDE should be able to locate the User Name text box by highlighting it.