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Obrazec-blanka has the lowest Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that Obrazec-blanka.ru is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to Siteadvisor and Google safe browsing analytics, Obrazec-blanka.ru is quite a.
Modus operandi with the use of cellular communication as an element of criminological characteristics The article sifts the features of modus operandi with the use of cellular communications and examines the main ways of fraud in this sphere. Restriction of freedom is a form of punishment, which does not involve deprivation of liberty, which means that this type of punishment is performed under conditions where the convicted person is not isolated from society, in contrast to such punishment as arrest or imprisonment, which implies isolation. The author drew conclusions that the way of commission of fraud with the use of means of cellular communications coincides with the conventional concept of a full-structural way of committing a crime that consists of the actions for preparation, committing and concealment of a crime united by a common intent. Meskon uchebnik menedzhment 2011. Restrictions of freedom: the criminal and criminal executive aspects The article examines the purpose and execution of criminal punishment in the form of restriction of freedom.