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The examination Start Deutsch 1/Start Deutsch Z 1 serves as the intermittent examination in integration courses and is an important documentation for your CV that. Fit f goethe zertifikat a1 start deutsch 1 shared files: Here you can download fit f goethe zertifikat a1 start deutsch 1 shared files that we have found in our database.
There is a large number of online material available to the students to prepare for the exam, but it is still very helpful, if somebody, who already cleared these exams, can explain the examples or the questions in the exam in his own way once. This is my effort as a modest help for those students, who want to take the 1st step in mastering the language of German by giving the Goethe Zertifikat A1. Like I said in the previous videos, use deutsche welle website for learning the German levels up to part B1.
You can even do B2 and C levels from it and all of that without any costs! If you guys need it, we can go through the deutsche welle website together to start learning German. In this video, I will give you a brief overlook of the Lesen module of the Zertifikat A1 exam.
The other three modules will soon follow: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please download the free of cost practice materials given by the Goethe Institute on their website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to prefer buying a book for A1 level, which I used too along with Deutsche Welle and Duolingo, here are the ones I recommend: Tangram Aktuell 1 A1.1: Tangram Aktuell 1 A1.2: Please also check if the Kursbuch also has an audio CD with it. We had the problem that after receiving the books, we found out that it only has CD for the Arbeitsbuch.