Chinese Font Style Categories: Simplified Chinese ( 1571 ) Traditional Chinese ( 877 ) Handwriting Chinese Font ( 149 ) Art Chinese Font ( 164 ) Retro Chinese Font ( 45 ) Elegant Chinese Font ( 87 ) Calligraphy Chinese Font ( 24 ) Rounded Chinese Font ( 79 ) Cute Chinese Font( 164 ) Stylish Chinese Font ( 60 ) Kids Chinese Font ( 266 ). Category Archives: Microsoft Fonts. Chinese Font Style Categories: Simplified Chinese ( 1571 ) Traditional Chinese ( 877 ) Handwriting Chinese Font ( 149 ). Ian cho on Take off&Good luck Galli Bold Rounded Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts; Free WordPress Theme designed by GavickPro. Proudly published with WordPress.
Calibri does not contain Chinese characters. When you set your font to Calibri, Microsoft Office automatically choose a Chinese font for Chinese you’ve entered. In your case, it seems that Excel automatically chose Microsoft Yahei (微软雅黑), while Powerpoint automatically chose STXinwei (华文新魏).
They are both correct behaviors. In Excel, people expect to see more general fonts in sheets, while, in PowerPoint, people expect to see more stylish fonts in presentations. Though what PowerPoint did is correct, if you do want to change the font in PowerPoint, you have to keep in mind that Calibri does not contain Chinese characters. Therefore, you have to choose another Chinese font for it so that the appearance would change.
I personally recommend Microsoft Yahei (the font Excel uses) and STZhongsong (a very bold serif font suitable for presentation titles).
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Custom Search About MS Office Chinese Language Packs And the related FAQ: Where can I find the Office Proofing Tools? The primary purpose of Office language packs — now called language accessory packs for Office 2016 — is to change the display language of Office menus, dialogs and Help into your native language, just as Windows language packs do for the overall system. But they are accompanied by a free handy toolset you can use across languages: the Office Proofing Tools. In the past, many users purchased Office language packs only to obtain the proofing tools, but in recent versions all or most of these tools have been made available for free separate download. Office Proofing Tools include an option to right-click and select 'Translate' from the context menu, and a 'Translation ScreenTips' feature that displays explanations in another language while you hover over buttons and other options in the program.
The proofing tools will also allow you to sort Simplified Chinese by number of strokes or Pinyin, and Traditional Chinese by strokes or Zhuyin. In English and most other non-Chinese editing languages, Hanzi will sort by Unicode code point values. That is generally in Kangxi dictionary order, although I believe it gets weird once you get into the number ranges of rare characters. But after installing Chinese proofing tools, sorting in Word and Excel will work the way most Chinese speakers expect. See the FAQ page on for instructions on setting up and using this feature. Simplified/Traditional Chinese character conversion is also included.